Lasting Peace
Do not LET your heart be troubled?? Our “heart” here is our emotions. How can we control our emotions? Emotions, for so many of us, seem to be uncontrollable. But Jesus tells us we can actually have some control over our emotions.
We can choose to let ourselves be troubled and anxious, or we can choose to accept the peace He gives us through trust and faith in a God who has overcome the troubles of this world. He does not “give to you as the world gives.” (John 14:27) He does not offer up peace that that comes and goes with your circumstances. He gives you “peace which surpasses all understanding” when you come to Him with your anxious thoughts, asking for His help and thanking Him in advance as you fully trust in expectation that He will grant this request of peace despite your situation. (Phil. 4: 6-7)
ReleaseSARA provides oils to survivors of sex trafficking that can help one overcome emotions such as anxiety. We give oils such as the Peace & Calming blend from Young Living which is a tool one can use to combat the anxiety of the moment, but do not misunderstand us. True and lasting peace comes only from a deep trust and faith in a God who loves you and wants what is best for you. He promises you that He has plans for you and your life.
He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you. He has plans to give you hope and a future….despite your current circumstances! He has it all under control…even when all hope feels lost…even when it feels like your world has spun so far out of control that it cannot possibly be pulled together. He can (and wants to!) do all this for YOU. You need only to trust Him, to seek Him in the midst of the dark circumstances surrounding you, to choose to expect His gift of peace that is beyond all human understanding as you seek and trust Him.
Can you take that simple step today, friend? Can you choose to seek him? To trust him? To thank Him in full expectation that what He promises is true and that He will grant you the peace you long for? Do this. Renew your heart and your mind and watch as He begins a radical transformation within you and through you.
If you are making this commitment today, I want to pray for you. If you feel comfortable, share your name below and let me pray for you. If you don’t want to share your name, share your initials. I want to walk alongside you and pray for you as you commit to seek Him, trust Him, and expect Him to grant you lasting hope and peace…despite your circumstances.